Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

This blog, Adventures in the After, is an experiment in sharing my unique experiences as I walk through my journey of life.

I'm nervous about what my friends and acquaintances will think, scared to make a million typos, and unsure if there are special rules I should be aware of for beginning a blog - but I am still pushing forward. 

This has kinda always been my story - Before and After.

I think the title is an aptly chosen descriptor for my life.

For now, suffice to say that the Before part of my life is in the past, and I'm living in the After now each day as it comes.

Adventures is a great word for me, because it speaks of the excitement, challenge, uncertainty, and sheer joy of my daily life.

I hope to honor myself and my family with my words. I hope to empower, and to encourage. 
And above all, I hope to bring joy to the hearts of all who happen upon this blog:)

So, on this day set aside to celebrate mothers, I thought, "What a great day for this mom to start my blog!"


This is the card I got today from my 15 year-old daughter. 

She made this card using a really cool app, on which she has previously made very beautiful artwork. 

However, today, after skipping church, waking up at 2pm to eat, and having her dad suggest she "at least" make me a card, the best she could come up with was this: Happy Mothers Day - her signature. 

Her signature? 
Not, "I love you Mommy!"
Not, "You're the Best Mom Ever!" 

Needless to say, I was disappointed. 

As I lovingly tried to explain my disappointment, she put on her sweetest, mean face and backed away from me nodding and muttering, "I gotchu, Mom," until she disappeared into her room. 

Enter: motherhood guilt and shame.

How did my joy-filled Mother's Day turn into the day of "You're One Bad Mother"?

Life with my teenager has reaffirmed in me the value of keeping my emotions based in the reality of my actions and who I am created to be, rather than in my loved ones' reactions and constant mood swings. 

"For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility" (Ephesians 2:14 ESV)

Practicing this principle gives me the freedom to love my daughter unconditionally, even when she can't be bothered to remember she appreciates me. 

No matter where she is in her journey, I know am blessed to be her mom and to have the opportunity to share in her Adventures. 

So, in spite of the Before, and despite the challenges of life in the After, witnessing myself becoming more and more of the woman God has created me to be, in the face of all the average and not-so-average adversities, gives me the willingness, courage, and strength to keep moving forward.

Thanks for hanging with me and letting me share my adventures. I can't wait to hear about yours! 

So, please feel free to share:)


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